Contract Management Whitepapers and Research - Contract Logix

Contract Management Whitepapers & eBooks

Learn more with educational and research-based whitepapers and eBooks on contract management trends, technology and other topics. Topics include managing risk, improving compliance and general papers on unlocking the potential of contract data. Choose a Whitepaper or eBook to get started.

The 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Contract Lifecycle Management

Effective contract lifecycle management is a critical component of successful business operations. From initiation and drafting to execution, monitoring, and renewal, each step requires careful attention to detail and adherence to best practices. Get the 10 dos and don’ts of CLM. 

The Complete Guide to the 8 Phases of CLM | Contract Logix

Organizations depend on contracts, making contract management an essential business process. From request to post-execution activities, understanding the 8 phases of CLM is paramount to informed decision-making and successful contract execution. 

The Power of Asset-Driven Contract Management

Discover how an asset-driven approach to contract lifecycle management (CLM) can empower companies to maximize asset value and avoid costly errors amidst a maze of contractual clauses and terms. Learn how to effectively manage complex Energy contracts while leveraging data to drive profitability.

Mitigate Your Risk: A 10-Point Contract Risk Checklist

The Contract Risk Checklist assesses the 10 steps to follow to help you identify, mitigate, and manage the risks your organization faces daily.

Contract Obligations Checklist – A Master List for Tracking

Follow this Contract Obligations checklist with every contract your business creates, and you’ll be in better control of all your company’s contracts.

A 10-Point Checklist for Contract Renewals

Proactively manage contract renewals to safeguard business interests, mitigate risk, & optimize outcomes. Get the contract renewal checklist.

The 20 Scariest Hidden Contract Terms You’ll Sign in a Lifetime

The 20 Scariest Hidden Contract Terms You’ll Sign in a Lifetime… reveal the potential nightmares lurking in the fine print at each stage of life

10 Contract Lifecycle Management KPIs Every Business Needs

This whitepaper addresses 10 KPIs that successful organizations are implementing to gain valuable insights about their contracting steps, milestones, timeframes, and requirements.

Guide to Minimizing Risk with Effective Contract Management

Our guide on Minimizing Risk with Effective Contract Management covers how to identify, assess, and mitigate contract risks and how contract management software can improve your overall risk management strategy.

Top 10 Best Practices for Contract Management

This guide covers the best practices for digitally transforming contract management across the pre-execution and post-execution phases of a contract’s lifecycle to increase productivity, profitability, and mitigate risk.

Streamlining CLM to Mitigate Risk & Increase Productivity

Our Streamlining CLM to Mitigate Risk & Increase Productivity guide covers key insights into the evolution of effective contract management, the benefits of contract lifecycle management software, and best practices.

The First Step Toward Efficient Contract Management

Download this whitepaper, First Step Toward Efficient Contract Management, and learn about the benefits derived from the adoption of an automated contract repository for your organization.

CLM Software: Defining Your Requirements

Learn how to identify your contract lifecycle management requirements, use cases, and business problems that you are trying to solve. This whitepaper address key considerations you will need to examine.

An Introduction to Contract Management Software

At Contract Logix we know that understanding and evaluating new technology such as contract management software can be time-consuming and, in some cases, overwhelming. To help, we created An Introduction to CLM.

Essential Guide to Managing Contracts Digitally

There are a number of business challenges associated with managing contracts with a remote workforce. To assist we’ve created this guide that offers best practices, tips, and solutions.

Seven “Musts” to Onboarding CLM Successfully

This whitepaper covers seven factors involved when configuring your contract management platform to meet your organization’s needs and migrating your existing electronic data into your platform in a manner that leads to successful adoption within your organization.

Making the Business Case for Contract Lifecycle Management

Contracts are a significant part of every business. Download your copy of Making the Business Case for CLM Software and learn the benefits of automated contract lifecycle management and how to sell the idea of its adoption within your organization.

Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Contract Data Management

Learn how leading Corporate Counsels and in-house legal teams are managing and harnessing the data in their organization’s contracts to empower the business with actionable insights to mitigate contractual risk, increase compliance, and drive profitability.

A CFO’s Guide to Successful Contract Lifecycle Management

By downloading A CFO’s Guide to Successful Contract Lifecycle Management, you will learn about 10 contract lifecycle management best practices that focus specifically on the core components of CLM.

A Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Successful CLM

As a Corporate or General Counsel you play a vital – and evolving – role in your organization’s CLM.   In this whitepaper, General and Corporate Counsels will learn key best practices for effective and modern CLM.

Pharma Guide to Contract Management Excellence

In this Guide to Pharmaceutical Contract Management Excellence, you will learn the CLM strategies and processes necessary for accelerating innovation and commercialization for pharmaceuticals.

Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Contract Data

Data is your most valuable contract management asset. Download this eBook and learn 10 keys to unlocking the power of your contract data to deliver actionable and data-driven business insights.

Contract Lifecycle Management Software for Oil & Gas

Those who work in the oil and gas industry, or at other companies within the energy sector, are faced with evolving compliance requirements. Learn how companies are leveraging CLM to assist them today.

Contract Lifecycle Management Software for Healthcare

Read how CLM software is helping healthcare providers, hospitals, mental health facilities, and other healthcare organizations mitigate risk, increase compliance, and drive process and operational efficiencies.

Contract Lifecycle Management Software for Education

The education industry has always faced pressure to tighten budgets and do more with less, forcing you to identify and eliminate inefficiencies. Learn about 10 CLM best practices helping the industry today.

Contract Lifecycle Management for the AEC Industry

Professionals in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction industry face a variety of daily challenges. Learn how CLM is being leveraged for Architecture, Engineering & Construction companies.

Contract Management for Transportation & Logistics

Compliance with seemingly endless regulations, and supply challenges are putting organizations under tremendous pressure to eliminate inefficiencies. Read how CLM is helping transportation companies today.

Using the Right Tools for the Job: Excel vs. CLM Software

Microsoft Excel is a robust tool that is invaluable in performing many business functions. But using Excel to track and manage the complexities and commitments associated with your contracts involves many risks and few rewards.

Using the Right Tools for the Job: Sharepoint vs. CLM

Sharepoint and other shared folder systems can be valuable tools for storing certain documents & resources. However, using Sharepoint and other manual processes for your everyday contract lifecycle management carries many risks and few rewards.

Using the Right Tools for the Job: Email vs. CLM Software

Many contract managers try to use email programs like Microsoft Outlook to manage their everyday contracting processes. While email is an excellent tool, it inherently lacks the features and functions that make CLM a better tool for the job.

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