Cloud Based Contract Management Software with Microsoft Azure
Hosted on Microsoft Azure

Cloud Based Contract Management Software

Hosted on Super-Secure Microsoft Azure

It’s essential for you to choose a cloud based contract management software provider that makes every effort to protect customer data. Safeguarding your sensitive information is critical – especially when managing contracts. This starts with where your contract information is hosted.

Contract Logix is hosted on Microsoft Azure and is supported by a comprehensive network of technology and solutions, protecting your data with industry-leading security standards that will meet or exceed your most rigorous security demands and requirements.

Azure provides a secure foundation in infrastructure and operational security. Its advanced threat protection; as well as continuous monitoring, testing and auditing, keeps your data safe from known and unknown threats. Azure provides the most comprehensive set of compliance offerings (including certifications and attestations) of any cloud service provider.

SSAE 16 Certification Contract Management Software

Contract Logix’ Microsoft Azure platform meets and exceeds the SOC 2 Type 2 certification requirements from both a physical security and environmental controls perspective. Data centers hosting our services are audited regularly for potential risks and limitations.

Learn more about Azure security and compliance at The Microsoft Trust Center.

Safe & Rapid Disaster Recovery.

Contract Logix, hosted on Azure, employs leading fail-over and disaster recovery solutions to maintain critical uptime. Your crucial contract information is backed-up – in real time – to multiple geographical locations. In the unlikelihood of an outage, our services are designed to tolerate both system and hardware failures to minimize potential downtime. Further, Contract Logix continuously monitors the status of our solutions and will automatically fail-over in the event of an outage.

State of the Art Intrusion Prevention & Monitoring.

Microsoft Azure deploys Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) on the network at critical points. Contract Logix leverages this technology to detect and alert in case of unauthorized attempts to access your data. Leveraging firewalls, data access is isolated and policed to ensure only the platform’s data access layer can access areas where the data resides.

Our security team leverages third-party monitoring and scanning tools (Azure, Qualys, etc.) to closely monitor activity and receive alerts. Any attempts to infiltrate or access the platform produces an automated notification so the Contract Logix security team can investigate and remediate the issue.

Read more about our Data Privacy and Security.

Secure, Reliable SaaS.

Lower cost of ownership, state of the art versions of cloud based contract management software, faster time to production, rapid user adoption, superior infrastructure and computing environments, and little to no IT staff and resource requirements – are distinctive SaaS benefits that companies using on-premise applications cannot provide for themselves. This is due in part to the “sharing” which occurs in a typical SaaS environment – where the costs associated with a “complete” application are spread across multiple organizations.

Rapid access to state-of-the-art technology.

Shift in focus to core business management, rather than putting too much attention on the computing environment.

Improved security, performance, and availability.

Reliable access to data, anywhere, anytime.

Avoidance of technology lock-in.

99.9% up-time.

The highest security standards.

State-of-the-art infrastructure.

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