Contract Management Process for Your Business - Contract Logix
For Your Business Process

Contract Management Process for Your Business

Contract Logix enables data-driven contract management throughout every phase and business process of contract management. Using a best practices approach, contracting will be quickly streamlined so your organization gains the benefits needed – specifically related to each functional contract management process.

Contract Logix will empower your CLM business process.

Flexible design makes sure you can meet your toughest process and CLM workflow

Dynamic features help drive your business workflow using data and business processing rules

Customer Success Model incorporates a best-practices approach to your organizations process

Pre-Execution Process Post-Execution Process
Solutions For Your Process

Contract Pre-Execution Processes

Choose a pre-execution business contract management process below to learn more about the specific benefits Contract Logix can deliver.

Contract Request & Intake

Centralize your contract intake and requests for faster contract conversion and processing. Stop submitting requests via email and ensure complete business line visibility and dramatically easier and more accurate record capture.

Contract Creation & Drafting (Authoring)

Create and draft legally approved agreements with your submitted contract information using complete clause and template libraries for your language. Save time, reduce manual drafting and human errors with full document generation and document management.

Contract Collaboration & Redlining (Negotiation)

Online document redlining and collaboration tools. Leverage complete document editing with language and mark-up/commenting features coupled with easy -to-use collaboration features for routing documents for internal or 3rd party review.

Contract Final Reviews & Approvals

Quickly share and notify internal stakeholders of the contract reviews and approvals required. Easily approve and capture approvals throughout your workflow electronically and save time and money – while meeting your business rules for compliance.

Contract Execution & Signatures

Execute contracts faster using check-out or send for electronic signature options. Track all signatures, comments and questions throughout the signature process to finalize contracts quickly – including routing options to simplify your workflow.

Other Pre-Execution Value

Today’s business require flexibility to manage the various contract pre-execution requirements. Contract Logix offers unparalleled control, design and visibility of every step, every action for any type of contract or business process.

Contract Post-Execution Processes

Choose a post-execution process below to learn more about the specific benefits Contract Logix can deliver.

Contract Execution & Finalization

Quickly validate and ensure contract completeness with Contract Logix’ data-driven CLM repository. By leveraging a data-centric approach, users can quickly review, update and ensure contract details are captured accurately – every single time. Finalize contracts with confidence and secure them within an electronic binder.

Contract Obligations & Commitments

Capture every contract term, obligation and commitment using data management tools so you never miss any requirement. Contract Logix makes all contract data actionable by using proactive email alerts and rules, tasks and to do lists, and standard or custom reporting and dashboards. Includes line items and compliance and other information.

Contract Reporting & Auditing

Stay prepared in real-time for any audit or reporting requirements throughout your contract process. Quickly search, locate and report on any contract information or language in advance of terminations or renewals. Leverage robust auditing capabilities for legal auditing requirements with on-demand retrieval features.

Contract Amendments, Addendums, Renewals & Terminations

Ensure holistic views of every contract with the latest agreed upon terms and conditions, dates, language and more. Contract Logix stores contracts in binders so you have proper contract numbering, version control and up-to-date information for your viewing and reporting needs.

Contract Archival & Data Retention

Store and secure contract data, documents and supporting materials for proper archival and business retention. Be prepared with archived record reporting, restoration and other options in your process.

Other Post-Execution Value

Today’s business require flexibility to manage the various contract post-execution requirements. Contract Logix offers unparalleled control, design and visibility of every step, every action for any type of contract or business process.

Have a Question About the Benefits For Your Contract Management Process?
