Contract Management Videos - From Contract Logix
Contract Management Videos

Contract Management Videos

Interested in learning more about how Contract Logix works and how our CLM software can help your business? We’ve got you covered. Choose from any of our contract management videos below to get started.

AI-Powered Data Extraction Tools

Contract Logix’s AI-powered data extraction Tools and NLP removes one of the biggest barriers to the successful adoption of contract software.

Easily Compare Document Versions

When negotiating contracts, keeping track of every version and all the edits associated with each version can be challenging.  

Digital Contract Transformation

Learn how Contract Logix’s data-driven contract management software can help you digitally transform the way you manage contracts today.

CLM Settings for Increased Security

Learn about important components of our platform’s security capabilities includes the CLM Authentication settings where you can enforce security policies.

Business Value of Approver User Types

We support several different User Types to address your specific business needs. This includes Full, Submitter, Read Only, and Approver Users.

Find Your Contract Information Fast

With Contract Logix’s contract management software, finding all the information you need about your contracts is fast, easy, accurate, and efficient.

Contract Negotiation and Getting Signatures Fast

Collaboration Room is a highly efficient method to get contracts reviewed and signed at the same time while automatically ensuring version control.

Standardize Your Contract Request & Intake process

Contract Logix makes it easy to Standardize Your Contract Requests, eliminating the need to use email or obsolete methods for your contract intake.

Eliminate Missed Obligations with Automated Alerts

Automated alert rules always make sure your organization is up-to-date on critical dates, deadlines, and not at risk of missing an upcoming renewal.

Draft, Negotiate, Approve & Manage Your Contracts

See why Contract Logix offers the perfect solution to create, negotiate, approve, and execute your contracts through a centralized platform.

Reduce Risk with Automated Contract Workflows

With Contract Logix, you can Reduce Risk with Automated Contract Workflows that control a variety of contract activities that you normally perform manually.

The Simple First Step to Centralizing Your Contracts

The Contract Logix platform is built around a secure electronic repository for all your agreements and their associated documents and data.

Demo Contract Logix & Learn Why
