AI Contract Analysis & Data Extraction – Modern contract management
Contract Data Extraction

AI Contract Analysis & Data Extraction

Automate the hard work using artificial intelligence (AI) powered Contract Analysis & Data Extraction to make your contract data work for you

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Reports and metrics

Ditch antiquated methods of managing your contracts

AI Contract Analysis and Data Extraction accelerates your digital transformation while giving you actionable insights, accelerating contract reviews, and mitigating risk.

Storing contracts in shared drives or managing them in spreadsheets creates unnecessary risk, inefficiency, and a lack of visibility and insights. 

Whether you have hundreds or thousands of existing contracts to import in bulk, or manage an ongoing stream of third-party agreements, Contract Logix automatically transforms your contracts into valuable digital assets.

Automatically capture key information about your contracts

  • AI Contract Analysis analyzes all contract language and detects what information is present such as key terms and clauses. 
  • AI Data Extraction automatically extracts any contract properties you want and populates them into Contract Logix. 
  • Quickly process third-party contracts and drive efficiency in your operations, allowing teams to focus on strategic contract activities. 
Automatically capture key information
Eliminate the risk of manual data entry

Eliminate the headache of manual data entry

  • Reduce the risk and time-consuming task of combing through contracts to capture legal terms—our AI does it for you.  
  • Upload contracts in bulk or one at a time to free up hours spent manually entering contract information. 
  • Easily customize what contract properties you want Contract Logix’s AI to automatically extract from your agreements. 

Harness your contract data for actionable insights

  • With your data centralized in Contract Logix, gain real-time insights on contract performance, enabling better decisions.
  • Automatically track real-time KPIs, metrics, and statuses with your contract data.
  • Create reports and dashboards to optimize processes, identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and increase compliance.
Actionable insights Contract Insights with Data Extraction
How does our Data Extraction Work?

How it Works

  1. Simply upload your contracts and let AI automate the work for you.  
  2. Our AI can detect an unlimited number of contract properties you want to analyze, extract, and auto-populate in Contract Logix. 
  3. If the information you want to analyze and capture changes over time, simply reprocess your contracts and our AI will auto-extract that new data. 

Accelerate Your Digital Transformation With Contract Logix

Download our AI-Driven Contract Analysis and Data Extraction Product Brief to learn how you can automate the hard work using artificial intelligence

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Contract Logix Today

Ready to digitally transform the way you manage contracts? Get started by requesting a demo of Contract Logix’s AI-driven Contract Analysis and Data Extraction technology.
