6 Trends Impacting Legal Operations

May 8th, 2023

Legal Operations is an increasingly important field within the legal industry, as law firms and legal departments seek to improve their efficiency, reduce costs, and better meet the needs of their clients. In recent years, a number of trends have emerged in legal operations, reflecting the growing importance of this area of practice. In this article, we will discuss 6 trends impacting legal operations teams around the globe.

1. Increased Use of Technology

One of the most significant trends impacting legal operations is the increased use of technology, especially enterprise legal management (ELM) technology. In-house legal and legal ops departments and law firms are using technology to automate routine tasks, manage documents and contracts more efficiently, and improve collaboration between team members. This includes the use of e-discovery tools, contract management software, and document management systems. In addition, legal departments are also using artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline legal processes, improve decision-making, and help accelerate digital transformation efforts with technologies such as data extraction and natural language processing.

2. Focus on Data Analytics

Another trend in legal operations is the increasing focus on data analytics. Legal departments are collecting and analyzing data to better understand their operations, identify areas for improvement, accelerate processes, and make more informed decisions. This includes analyzing legal spend, tracking case outcomes, and identifying patterns in litigation. Data analytics can help legal departments identify inefficiencies and develop strategies for improvement. For example, some contract management software providers such as Contract Logix can capture, analyze, and report on real-time processing metrics about contract and process performance such as the average days in a contract’s lifecycle, or the value of contracts by type and vendor, or other key areas of the business.

3. Collaboration Between Legal and Other Departments

Legal operations is no longer a siloed function within a company. Instead, legal departments are collaborating with other departments such as finance, IT, and procurement to better meet the needs of the business. By working together, legal departments can develop more effective strategies and make more informed decisions. This collaboration can also lead to better communication and increased efficiency. And it doesn’t stop with internal collaboration. Innovative real-time contract collaboration tools such as Contract Logix’s Collaboration Room technology enable frictionless negotiations with external parties as well as internal ones, which helps to shorten the collaboration and negotiation stage of a contract.

4. Outsourcing Legal Operations

In recent years, there has been a trend towards outsourcing legal operations to third-party providers. This can include outsourcing tasks such as e-discovery, contract management, and legal research. By outsourcing these tasks, legal departments can reduce costs and focus on higher-value work. However, it is important for legal departments to carefully consider the risks and benefits of outsourcing, and to choose a provider that can meet their specific needs. In addition, outsourcing may not work as well for teams of certain sizes, industries, and other factors.

5. Focus on Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion have become increasingly important in the legal industry, and this trend has extended to legal operations. Legal departments are working to improve diversity and inclusion in their teams and are taking steps to ensure that their processes and systems are fair and equitable. This includes implementing diversity and inclusion training, developing policies to promote diversity, and tracking metrics related to diversity and inclusion.

6. Emphasis on Process Improvement

Finally, legal departments are placing an increased emphasis on process improvement. By analyzing their processes and identifying inefficiencies, legal departments can develop strategies to improve their operations and reduce costs. This includes identifying areas for automation, developing standardized processes, and implementing best practices. By focusing on process improvement, legal departments can become more efficient and effective. This is another area where technology like contract management software can have a huge positive impact. With the ability to automate contract workflows, track metrics to optimize processes, and provide instant visibility into where contracts are in the organization, process improvement is one of the most important trends impacting legal operations.


Legal operations is a rapidly evolving field, and there are a number of trends impacting legal operations teams globally. These trends include the increased use of technology, the focus on data analytics, collaboration between legal and other departments, outsourcing legal operations, the emphasis on diversity and inclusion, and the focus on process improvement. Legal departments that embrace these trends and adapt to the changing landscape of legal operations are likely to be more successful in the long term.

Contract Logix has been helping legal operations teams for over a decade. Our contract management software helps streamline and automate contracting efforts while accelerating digital transformation, mitigating risk, and improving compliance. Request your complimentary demo of our platform today to see how it can address your needs.

Looking for more articles about Contract Management? Check out our previous article “The Importance of Contract Management for Private Equity Portfolios“.


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