Delivering Business Value with Customizable Reports

By Justin Perkins, Solutions Engineer at Contract Logix

Imagine the CEO of your business comes into your office with an urgent request for a report to be used at an upcoming board meeting. He needs to know every company that’s executed an active agreement that expires in the next 90 days. He wants the revenue associated with those contracts, any annual increase information, risk factors, and if they are going to auto-renew.

That’s an all too common scenario I hear from prospects when I ask why they’re interested in contract management software, and more specifically its reporting and dashboard functionality. How much time of your day or week would evaporate if you needed to support that request? For a lot of companies using spreadsheets and shared folders to manage their contracts, this information would be an absolute nightmare to pull together.

It’s situations like this where the power of a contract management platform that intelligently structures 100% of your contract data via a central repository of all your contracts and associated documents becomes extremely advantageous. Why, you ask? Because now you can harness all that contract data like dates, contacts, terms, etc. to generate reports, answer the CEO’s questions, and deliver accurate and actionable business insights.

We continuously hear from customers that because of the unique way we manage contract data here at Contract Logix, we’re able to provide a very robust set of customizable reporting functionality. By leveraging the tools inside our intelligent contract management platform, that report scenario I mentioned would be something that I could create and give to the CEO in just a couple of minutes time. I could simply select the key columns of data and filters to find exactly what I need — all in real-time.

Customizable Reports

Whether it’s a painting a holistic view across your business or focusing on one very specific client or contract, having a contract management platform that lets you easily do a true analysis based on your key criteria should be quick and simple, not something you dread. With our platform, you can create reports that showcase the information most important and specific to you and your team. For example, someone from the legal department can view and report on entirely different contract details than someone from procurement or sales or IT. Whatever your use cases or policies, reporting and permissions are all configurable to your needs.

Customizable Reports for Contract Management

Not only can you easily and quickly leverage our platform to change and adapt reports for your usage, but you can also save these personal reports for future use. This allows you to always have instant access to real-time information anytime you need to run that report again. You can export and quickly share reports from the system with others who might not have direct access to it. And it’s all built around our robust organizational role-based security to assure that each user only has access to the specific information you have dictated as appropriate.

Customizable Reports Export


Let’s cut out the headaches and frustrations with trying to find the details important to day to day contract reporting needs. Intelligent contract management software, such as our Express CMS and Premium CLM solutions, do just that. Whether you simply want to know when an agreement is coming up for expiration or you’re trying to identify contract management process bottlenecks, the information is easy to extract and report.

It’s time to remove the risk to your business and frustration from your week and time to start harnessing all that contract data. It’s time to quickly and easily answer key business questions and best of all, give the CEO that report in plenty of time for the board meeting.

Interested in learning more? Schedule a live demo of our software here.
